GATIS Training in Paris 2015

The first GATIS event of this year took place in Paris at the Institut Henri Poincaré from March 11th to 13th, 2015. The first day was devoted to the workshop "Integrability and Gauge Theories". Its aim was to stimulate discussions about recent advances in GATIS-related subjects, with most of the participants being GATIS Early Stage Researchers. Ten speakers presented their latest research results. The opening speakers were two young confirmed researchers working on some of the most important topics related to the network activities.

In total there were about 25 participants coming from research institutes unified by the GATIS network and invited speakers from Dublin and Paris who came to share their expertise. The workshop provided a very important opportunity for young researchers to present their work and take part in active discussions.

The speakers focused on various aspects of integrability in AdS/CFT, such as the advances in the computation of the amplitudes using the OPE method for all helicities or the computation of correlation functions where the integrable structure appear through the so-called spin vertex. The underlying all-order description however is still mysterious. The spectral problem is better understood, and several talks reported applications of some new promising techniques, which found new applications for well-studied models like the Hubbard model, or the computation of the QCD Pomeron. Other aspects touched upon concern computation of form factors in integrable theories and new perspectives in computing perturbative objects in the N=4 gauge theory, like the dilatation operator, using on-shell methods. One of the recent results presented at the workshop concerns the computation of the three point function in the Toda conformal field theory from an AGT-type relation with a five dimensional gauge theory.

Following the scientific workshop, the second GATIS soft skill training event took place. Over a period of two days, the young researchers were trained in grant writing and vocal power / presentation skills. The grant writing part concerned the presentation of different types of European grants that may concern the fellows over the next few years and gave important information and hints about how to organize and prepare the projects. The presentation vocal power/ presentation skill part was a continuation of the training that the fellows had in Hamburg last year, and it concerned the preparation for a presentation. It included feedback for the presentations during the scientific part of the workshop. The trainings were very well received by the fellows, who participated with enthusiasm to the exercises proposed by the trainers.

Further information is available here:

The workshop marks the first in a series of many events planned for this year in the GATIS network. The next upcoming GATIS event explicitly designed for master and PhD students is the young researcher school on integrability, to be held at Durham University (UK) from 6th to 10th July 2015 (