GATIS Outreach Project

GATIS Outreach Project Contact: Thomas Klose (HU Berlin), Susanne Milde, Sascha Rieger (Milde Consulting)

The goal of the GATIS outreach project was to develop outreach material that can be used e.g. on the webpages, for public lectures, exhibitions, posters, or the GATIS film project.

The projects were kicked off during a 2-day workshop in the Filmstudio Babelsberg just outside Berlin (November 8/9, 2014) to select key areas on the GATIS webpage for which new texts and visuals were developed. During this workshop, the fellows of the Gatis project worked on a few smaller texts under the guidance of science communication professionals.

Milde Marketing supervised the project in close colaboration with the gatis members. The following videos are the result of the outreach project:



The Outreach team also created a Gatis Flyer.

Icon Gatis Flyer (43KB)
Gatis Flyer