Soft Skill Training
Gatis+ Soft Skill Trainings
In the EC funded phase, GATIS paid special attention to soft skill training, which followed a well-designed curriculum. With our partner Sissa Medialab, a training on ``Science Communication and Presentation Skills’’ was carried out in London, 2014. In July 2014, two further soft skill trainings were organized at DESY on “Scientific Writing Skills” and “Presentation Skill & Vocal Power” (E. Kaufman, EK Creative Communications). In 2015 another two day soft skill training was organized in Paris on “Successful Grant Writing” (U. Krell, DESY EUP) and “Vocal Power and Physical Presence”(E. Kaufman, EK Creative Communications). It was followed by a workshop by Milde Marketing in the fall of 2015 on ``Advanced Science Communication’’. This workshop kicked off the GATIS outreach project training which resulted in three short movies and a flyer. Finally a training session on “Project Management” was held at DESY in 2016.
GATIS+ assists young scientists at the partner institutions in aquiring essential soft skills. In particular, we intend to organize soft skill trainings during the yearly Fellow-Workshops.
In addition, some partner institutions offer a wide spectrum of soft skill courses, see e.g. offers in the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School or at Durham University